Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Just Keep Holding On

Got up on the wrong side of life today
Crash the floor and i realise that i'm gonna be
really late for school.
My phone doesn't work either cause it's out
of battery. Looks like to day is just like one of those
kind of days.

Haowee went to school at the crack of dawn just to get keys
for our E.M.P rehearsals. Poor thing~ she looks like a panda
now. xD hahaha
But it's no biggy, had out rehearsals and the conclusion
is that it's still Smooth...

Have not been having an easy week these days, every thing
is so fast!!!
Gonna remind myself of my problem now.
Music practical exam on 11th sept, O'level music exam
on the 12 sept.
Can anyone tell me how Doomed i am now.
I'm so stuck in this situation!!!

Guess i'll just have to take it as a challenge and not a problem
as the folks say.
I've got to keep holding on and just stay strong.
Hope that will get me through this thick times, like it always did.
I'm trying to keep my chin up, i know it shows.
Yup! I'll make it through... just like i always do! =)

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