Friday, December 5, 2014

You make your own

It has been a while... A long while actually since I last thought of posting on a public hemisphere again.

Today, I had da chance of going through some old pictures lying around in an old drawer; it's da kind of drawer that is da last place you'd think of opening to find any useful tools lying around.

It is a treasure box of memories. Stacks and stacks of old albums that has stood da test of time. Barely oxidizing, with minimum yellowing at da corners. Relishing good old times not of my own. So many pretty pictures, though hardly any of them had me in it. I guess I've come to realise, or had already realised long ago that people aint' gonna make da memories for me. I just ain't that lucky kid with eager family waiting to snap a picture of, and if you are that kid... You go out there and make history.

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