Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Be Gone

I shan't have your name up, cause you're so not worth it!(school music.....)
I cried
I cry
I feel alone
I feel helpless
How can I let you know
I am more than the smile and laughter you see each day
I am cold and pricked
Thanks for acting like you cared and thanks for putting me down ........ out of point

I may not be as good in my instrument now, but mark my words and keep a weathered eye at bay, for i'll be a gazillion folds better than you in time to come. I HATE YOU, so go away from me

If you ever got in trouble....
I swear, I will just leave you to die...
I am so sick of you
You're on my nerve
I wanna puke
Get out of my face
You suck!

I'm so not "so dead" as you said I am. I'm more kicking and alive than you shall ever be.

Sometimes, I feel that I have none to voice out to. In this head my thoughts are deep so sometimes I can't even get myself to sleep. Why am I so vulnerable?
I know I get a little crazy and I know I get a little wild and I know i'm so gonna make it! I am just more than what you think I am. LOSER!

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