Monday, February 2, 2009


Okay, so Tampines JC is not as bad as I thought for it's first day's impression. Maybe worse. Maybe better. Hopefully it's better than ever, duh. Who is really keeping track? It's not like i'm happy. Please. Far from it. Especially when you realised you've been double-crossed, packaged and sold out by your own Mother. Well, not like I've not had the experience of being sold out by a friend this holiday. Whatever to it right?
Exasperated and probably sick to the gut for being sold out like that again. Like anybody would care!
In my promising attempt into the Twilight saga, I'm proud to announce that I have successfully completed New Moon in less then two weeks! Tremendous achievement to me for that.
Going to Raymond's concert at Victoria Hall this March. He's made it to Principal Violist! gonna affiliate to the orchestra, since all musicians know that their ultimate goal or "safe" goal is to have a place in an orchestra after they in a way or another graduated---common sense.
Anyway, I'm plotting my steps out of that school and hoping to get into somewhere fresher. Temasek JC would be ideal, hopfully and do well in there to get myself adminstered into NUS in the scrutinizing 2 years. Please don't deny me.
May extreme luck rides with me!

Yours from Junior College,

Last trip before school terms, destination: Indonesia

Wherever I go, my violin goes too

The wall in the "hotel"

Misty forest----Twilight!!!!

I stayed up the whole night trying to capture the scene of twilight time

M bought this key at $S4.50! Cheap cheap XD

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