The SAs had just ended, finally had some spare time to do WHAT I LIKE .. BLOGGING! :P
Changed my skin to a more relaxed setting, just when you thought life is not taxing enough! OMG! I just realised ive got so much to say!!! Let's start with the most recent of tales...
1. SAs ended!!! (its a repetition, i know :D)
2. Had planned to go to Yo Yo Ma's concert with Shenyee and Kevin however... TICKETS ARE SOLD OUT! Darn! Haven't been much of a concert-goer ever since JC started and just when there's a great player coming our way, tickets.. POOFed! Better luck in probably 5 year's time perhaps -.-"
3. CO camp! Though I was not present thorughout the camp, the sectional and Da zhu practises were Deeeee Bomb! ;D
4. Adam Lambert was in town 11-13th March! Wasn't a lucky fan to attend his private concert at Resort World where he was the FIRST performer to be performing there, however, I managed a glimpse along with a swft handhale and autograph from him! The experience... surreal.... first time in my 17 years I've felt so in-awe and starstrucked!
5. Study!
6. Study!
7. Study!
8. when tangent is parallel to Y axis, STUDYING goes to INFINITY~~~~~
With that, I shall end here.. ..
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