Tuesday, September 25, 2012

I luv you as certain dark things are to be loved, in secret, beneath the cast shadows of my closet

Perhaps it was kismet that I saw you once more, this time, seeing you takes a different form, different media, one entirely on its own. This time, I watched. This time, I see you.

Knowing you are more then 1/2 way across the globe in a surrounding that seems to stand solely on its own, almost completely isolated from all that we've known brought about mixed feelings. You stood there, completely in zone with your wilderness, with twilight beating on you casting a shadow of gold.

I remembered when we talked about our kind of freedom and chasing all the prettiest sunsets. I remembered just sitting there by the window pane that christmas with our hot chocolates and our dream-packed cases right beside us. I remembered talking with fervent in our eyes, I remebered the kind of talk that can never run out. You, by some littlest of mile managed your piece of haven. Yes, it was nice seeing you..... on tv.

I think I am confused
The rain does not seem to be stopping
And nor does my desire
But there's no breath to be caught
No lesson to be taught
And no forbidden game to be fought
Only souls distraught
My hovering rain please don't stop
Please stay still
I'm counting on you
To suspend my will
I love you as certain dark things are to be loved
In secret
Beneath cast shadows of my closet
Forever lost in transit

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