Saturday, February 21, 2009

The truth is.. .. .. ..

I have always believed that the basic premise is to capture “Truth” in writing. More important than “Truth” would be to capture “Soul” in writing, in Life. A sort of “justice”, a “moral responsibility”.

In a postmodern world, “what you see is what you get, no more”. Sensationalisation. Dramatisation. Projection. Production. Pretention. Presentation. Imagination. Idealisation. Creation. Fiction. To serve a function. Nothing wrong with that. As long as we are aware where it’s coming from.

So I say, let’s take it with a pinch of salt. “Truths” these days have attended yoga sessions. Contortions. Distortions. Contractions. Expansions. Illusions. Lost in Translation. Different degrees of “Truths”. In the shape of written words, spoken words, idiosyncracies, subjective perception, rumours, gossip, hearsay, “I heard”, “They said”… Last time, they said “nothing but the truth”; now, it’s “nothing but half-truth”. Virtual Reality. Artifice. Machines. Robots. Cloning. Photoshop. Makeup. Humans. Love. How much “Truth” is left and how much left is “Truth”? How do we tell fact from fiction? Awareness and Discretion, I should say.

And the Truth is…

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